solar energy services


Lyghtsource Concepts Ltd’s goal is to provide solar energy consultancy services to homes and businesses right across the country. With years of experience we ensure we offer our clients quality solar energy systems. Our solar panels are of high quality with over 20 years of guaranteed performance. We are proud to say we save our valued customers money in energy bills while working towards a cleaner environment. Our clients are happier and are more power efficient.
You may be a small business or multinational company. Maybe from the private or public sector. You may be based in the heart of Nairobi or at the most remote rural location like Turkana. Whether your objective is to reduce your carbon footprint, drive down energy costs or secure a reliable energy supply, we will work with you. We will ensure you find your ideal renewable energy solution.

Solar energy consultancy - Lyghtsource Concepts Ltd


Step 1

Request for a quote by submitting your requirements

Step 2

Our engineer will contact you within 1 week

Step 3

Installation starts on the second week. Completion is based on your requirements and time frames. A standard installation will take 1 to 2 weeks

Step 4

The installation shall provide you with the option of switching between KPLC electricity and solar energy.

Step 5

Congratulations! Start enjoying clean energy as you save on your electricity bill

Solar energy Installation - Lyghtsource Concepts Ltd

Need Solar Consultancy Services? Talk To Us Now.